Last reviewed: August 2016
An ecosystem
is a community of living organisms interacting in complex ways with the
physical environment, such as soils, geography, chemistry, and weather,
to form a relatively cohesive functional unit. This definition suggests
a certain degree of similarity across a given area such that what
happens in an ecosystem is fairly predictable. Cities meet that
definition and, in fact, there are several urban ecosystems being
studied under the international Long Term Ecological Research Network.
This article describes urbanization and explores characteristics, issues, and some solutions common to urban ecosystems.
homes built next to corn fields replace farmland in Dallas County,
Iowa, as suburbs of Clive and Waukee grow on the west side of Des
Moines. By Photo by Lynn Betts, USDA Natural Resources Conservation
Service. (USDA NRCS Photo Gallery: NRCSIA00023.tif) [Public domain], via
Wikimedia CommonsThe
simple definition of a city is a large and densely populated urban
area. But how large or dense, and what do we mean by “urban”? These
questions have been surprisingly hard to answer because there are many
different land uses in urban areas and there is not a clear or widely
accepted division between urban, suburban, and rural.
cities, for example, those with 5,000 to 50,000 people, typically
include residential, business, and industrial areas and have formal
governance such as a city council and mayor. In a large city there is a
gradient of urbanization, from high-rise downtown areas transitioning
slowly—or sometimes more abruptly when an urban growth boundary is in
place—to lower-density, more sparsely populated suburban and rural
areas, with other towns and cities within the area of influence.
Therefore, it is useful to think about urban ecosystems in terms of a
metropolitan area, where concentrations of people live in large cities,
suburbs, and the satellite cities and towns close enough to provide the
jobs, goods, services, and cultural experiences important to people.
many centuries, human population has expanded exponentially to the
rapidly growing global population of approximately 7.4 billion people in
2016, with a corresponding shift from hunting/agriculture to urban
areas. Prior to the eighteenth century, 3 percent of people lived in
cities. In 2008, for the first time half of the world's population lived
in cities. In 2014, approximately 54 percent of the total global
population lived in urban areas. By 2050 about 70 percent of all people
are expected to live in cities. That is a great number of people, acres,
and major impacts on the environment, so it warrants critical and
scholarly attention.
Key Characteristics of Urban Ecosystems
urban ecosystems have both positive and negative aspects. On the good
side, concentrating people in one area reduces time and expense in
commuting and transportation while improving opportunities for jobs,
services, education, housing, and transportation. Concentrating human
population can also reduce the impact on the rest of the environment. On
the other hand, urbanization takes a heavy toll on air and water
quality, fish, wildlife, and habitat. The key is to reduce these impacts
without substantially increasing the urban footprint. Success does not
mean that a metropolitan area resembles the original natural
environment. Rather, it accommodates the needs of people, provides
contact with nature, and conserves the biological resources and
diversity. These goals can be achieved using a strong foundation of
science, social and political compromise, and a variety of tools
including urban planning, conservation, and regulation.
to natural ecosystems, characteristics shared by most cities include
changes in land cover (less vegetation and more hard, or impervious,
surfaces), changes in natural disturbance regimes, air pollution, warmer
air and water temperatures, water quality and quantity issues, changes
in the amount and type of habitat, invasive species issues, and wildlife
communities where generalist species prevail. This article will explore
the causes and effects of these changes, offer some solutions, and
present a case study from the Portland-Vancouver metropolitan area in
the northwestern United States.
Land Cover Changes
cover is material at the surface of the earth, such as trees, grass,
pavement, or water. Converting natural habitats to urban land cover is
the overarching, and ecologically overwhelming, reason cities are
similar to one another and different from other ecosystems. Much of the
original landscape, whether forest, desert, prairie, or some other type
of ecosystem(s), is now characterized by significant impervious land
cover such as roads, parking lots, driveways, sidewalks, and rooftops.
cities the air, habitat, and water quality are products of the
cumulative effects of past and present human constructs and activities.
Not all urban areas are the same, however. In rural residential areas,
approximately 5 to 10 percent of the land cover is impervious, with the
majority of land cover being pervious natural or agricultural areas,
lawns, or landscaping. Land cover in low-density suburban areas is
typically 20 to 35 percent impervious, while high-density suburban areas
near urban development is typically 40 to 60 percent impervious. In
urban areas, 75 to 90 percent of land cover is impervious, and pervious
areas include small landscaped areas, street trees, small yards, and
parks and other open spaces. Land cover in city centers may be 85 to
nearly 100 impervious.
Altered Disturbance Regimes
are events such as fires, floods, landslides, or wind storms that
disrupt and can change an ecosystem or community. Ecosystems are adapted
to certain types of disturbances that occur relatively predictably over
time and space—a disturbance regime. When land cover changes, it
changes the timing and spatial characteristics of disturbances and
introduces new types of disturbance. Eventually, the ecosystem
stabilizes under a new, relatively predictable disturbance regime
associated with urbanization. Now it is an entirely different kind of
example, larger river systems include extensive floodplains to
accommodate increased water during the wet season. There are different
floodplain levels, or “benches,” adapted to floods occurring annually
and less frequently, perhaps inundating an area every 10, 50, 100, or
500 years on average. Frequently flooded areas are characterized by
fast-growing plant species such as grasses, sedges, and shrubs, as well
as species such as cottonwood and willow that can physically withstand
the force of the floodwaters and survive underwater for periods of time.
A 50-year floodplain can sustain longer-lived species less adapted to
flood disturbance, and so forth. The floodwaters deposit sediments,
nutrients, rocks, and woody debris on the floodplains as the water slows
and recedes. The substantial sediment deposits can form some of the
richest farm soils in the world.
has often occurred in floodplains because they are flat and close to
water sources and shipping channels, a key means of transporting goods
for import or export to support concentrations of people, industries,
and jobs. However, the paving, vegetation removal, dikes, dams, levees,
and floodwalls that come with urbanization alter the natural disturbance
regime of the floodplain. Most times, the water is intentionally
confined in the river channel; when it is not, substantial economic and
structural damage, and sometimes loss of life, occurs.
types of natural disturbance are intentionally disrupted in
metropolitan areas. For example, whether the original ecosystem was
forest, desert, shrub, or grasslands, fire suppression is nearly
universal, particularly around the fringes of a metropolitan area where
significant natural habitat remains, along with homes and other rural
uses. Fire suppression in these areas reduces danger to humans and
economic damage and blocks the fire from spreading closer or into the
urban area.
types of disturbance also characterize urban ecosystems. The process of
changing land cover is a disturbance, but the new land cover is not;
humans disturb the ecosystem in predictable ways. For example, every so
often a building might be demolished in a downtown area and rebuilt.
While this is not likely to happen again at that particular site for
decades, it will happen in various other places in the city. Demolishing
a building creates substantial noise for days or months, creates extra
construction traffic, reroutes car and transit routes, and creates many
tons of waste. This disturbance is regular within the system. A more
short-term type of disturbance is freeway or light rail traffic, in
which rush hour sets a regular pattern of higher disturbance. Ball games
in a lit stadium, people walking in a park, blasting at a rock quarry,
plane traffic around an airport—these are all part of the urban
ecosystem's disturbance regime. They influence the ecosystem and
organisms living there.
an ecosystem has been altered from its original state prior to
urbanization. The most typical example is conversion from the original
mix of habitats to agriculture, and then to an urban area. In such an
area, essentially three different ecosystem types have characterized
exactly the same area, often over a few decades to a few hundred years:
the original ecosystem type, an agricultural ecosystem and, finally, an
urban ecosystem.
areas often have high levels of phosphorus, nitrogen, carbon dioxide,
and other nutrients. For example, nitrogen and carbon dioxide
concentrations are high near busy roadways. These nutrients can allow
certain plants to thrive at the expense of others. In a study near San
Jose, California, an endangered butterfly species—the Bay
checkerspot—declined in numbers near busy roads because invasive plants
thrived on higher nitrogen levels, pushing out the butterfly's host
plant. In this case, limited cattle grazing has been proposed as a
solution to return nitrogen to more natural levels conducive to
maintaining native prairie habitat because the cattle remove nitrogen
sources from the ecosystem while grazing.
Air Quality and the Urban Heat Island Effect
who has walked or ridden a bike on a hot sidewalk or roadway and
stopped to cool off under a shady tree already knows something about
urban ecology: cities are warm places. Replacing cool, moist, natural
vegetation with dry buildings, roads, and other urban constructs
translates to higher air temperatures, called the urban heat island
effect. The effect is most intense on hot summer days. For example,
cities with a million or more people typically average 1.8 to 5.4
degrees F (minus 16.8 to minus 14.8 degrees C) warmer than nearby rural
areas during the day, with peak intensities often reaching 18 to 27
degrees F (minus 7.8 to minus 2.8 degrees C) higher. Cities are warmer
at night, too, as the heat stored during the day is released to the
night air. Even a desert city that has more cooling plants than the
surrounding landscape is likely to be warmer because the impervious and
dark-colored surfaces still store a great deal of heat.
the urban heat island effect may offer extra opportunities to offset
warmer temperatures due to climate change. Because lack of vegetation
makes cities warmer, “regreening” can reduce temperatures. In the most
urban areas this can be accomplished by increasing street and parking
lot trees, commercial and industrial landscaping, and green roofs
(ecoroofs). Dark, hard surfaces absorb more heat than light ones, so
lightening the color of roadways and rooftops will help. These
activities can especially target the neighborhoods and areas that are
hottest in the summer, when they would have the most effect in reducing
air temperature. In terms of climate change there's a double added
bonus: fewer air conditioners running reduces energy use, plus trees and
vegetation store carbon.
also changes air quality through emissions from industry, power plants,
motor vehicles, wood-burning stoves, and a myriad of other causes.
These activities increase pollutants (which can also be nutrients) such
as nitrous oxides, which are produced during combustion and harm human health; ozone, which is protective high in the atmosphere but hard on the respiratory tract near the ground; heavy metals,
such as highly toxic mercury from industrial emissions; and particulate
matter that may harm the heart and lungs. Combustion also produces
carbon dioxide, a key greenhouse gas. A haze of pollution over metropolitan areas is often visible from far away, and it is carried by wind currents to other areas.
Water Quality and Quantity
In cities, the amount and timing of water delivery are critical. The hydrologic cycle
relates to the occurrence, pattern, timing, and distribution of water
and its relationship with the environment. Impervious surfaces, combined
with loss of natural soils and vegetation to slow and capture water,
interrupt the hydrologic cycle, alter stream structure, increase urban runoff,
and degrade the chemical profile of the water that flows through
streams. These changes to water storage and delivery harm the
environment in a variety of ways, and are cumulative within watersheds.
The cumulative effects are products of an altered hydrologic cycle, or
altered hydrology.
Water quality
responds predictably to changes in land cover, typically declining as
vegetation is replaced with impervious surfaces. In metropolitan areas,
hydrology is most altered from the central city, with the impact
declining as land cover becomes more permeable. However, numerous
studies demonstrate that even low levels of imperviousness, in the range
of 5 to 10 percent, are enough to damage stream channels and water
quality. The following are some of the common effects of altered
hydrology due to urbanization:
- Streams
become “flashier”—higher flows during storms, but less water in the dry
season; some streams that had year-round water prior to development dry
- Stream channels widen
and deepen to accommodate the higher flows, damaging stream banks,
stripping vegetation, and increasing sediments in the water and on the
stream bed.
- Deepening the
stream channel can cut into the groundwater table, partially draining
it. Groundwater is typically what keeps a stream flowing during dry
- Impervious surfaces stop water from percolating down to the groundwater, so the water table drops.
- Disconnection with large floodplains.
- Locally,
flooding becomes more common and severe, particularly in heavily
urbanized areas, because too much water enters the stream too quickly
and it overruns the banks.
- Water
temperature rises because impervious surfaces are warm, whereas trees
and vegetation shade slow and cool stormwater. Unnaturally warm water is
one of the most ubiquitous water quality problems in cities and has
contributed substantially to the decline of salmon and other cold-water
older developed areas, hydrology may reach a different but stable
condition. Streams and other water bodies will not necessarily support
the same plants and animals, but the new system can support longer-lived
species or those that require predictable environments. The new system
may have more generalist species and more individual organisms, at the
expense of specialists such as cold, clean water specialists or those
that need a rocky stream bottom.
example, freshwater mussels can be good indicators of system stability
because they are relatively slow-growing and adults are sedentary, while
juveniles travel by attaching to specific host fish species. Some
species can live more than 150 years. If only young mussels are present,
the system is probably still changing, whereas older mussels have
probably been there a while, indicating some level of stability. In
North America, nearly three-quarters of all freshwater mussel species
are imperiled and about 35 went extinct in the twentieth century.
Altered hydrology is undoubtedly a contributor to these species'
Habitat Changes
the local or site level, human habitat management leads to loss of
structural complexity. Structural complexity and the total amount of
vegetation are well-known contributors to wildlife species richness in
forested areas. Humans tend to like a parklike setting with trees and
grass, all green and alive. Dead trees and fallen branches are removed
and leaves are raked. Unfortunately, this “clean” habitat fails to meet
the needs of many wildlife species. Most birds feed on insects, seeds,
and berries from shrubs, which also provide a great deal of cover and
nesting habitat. Salamanders, centipedes, and salmon rely on dead wood,
on the ground or in the water. Standing dead trees, or snags, are
required nesting or roosting habitat for scores of birds, mammals,
reptiles, and amphibians. Woodpeckers, swallows, bats, and bluebirds
nest in snags and control pest insects. Leaves on the ground attract
insects and their predators, such as towhees and thrushes. Sparrows,
voles, bugs, snakes, lizards, and amphibians make use of rocks, brush,
and wood piles. Leaving or adding some of these features to a yard will
make it more natural and attract more native wildlife species. These
elements also help build healthy soil.
a larger scale, habitat fragmentation is the process of breaking apart
large areas of natural habitat into multiple smaller disconnected
patches. The term is generally used in the context of forested areas,
but also applies to other habitat types such as wetland, shrub, or
grassland. Fragmentation is widely recognized as an overarching threat
to wildlife and ecosystem health and is closely linked to habitat loss,
loss of habitat connectivity, and invasive species. Habitat
fragmentation is characteristic of urban ecosystems.
basic characteristics—habitat patch size, isolation or connectedness,
and size—heavily influence wildlife diversity in fragmented urban
landscapes. Native habitat loss and conversion are first and foremost,
with metropolitan areas retaining only a small fraction of the original
habitat. The remaining natural areas are often converted to other
habitat types, sometimes as a result of altered disturbance regimes. For
example, in many cities native prairie or grasslands are converted to
shrub or forest habitat due to fire suppression and invasive species
such as Himalayan blackberry. Around the urban fringe, agriculture often
replaces more natural habitats. The combination of habitat loss and
changes threatens native species, particularly those that specialize on
specific habitats.
habitat is fragmented the patches become increasingly isolated. Two
patches that are close together typically contain more species than two
that are further apart, and if there are connecting corridors to other
patches, even more species are present. In completely isolated habitats
animals are essentially trapped or in danger if they leave the habitat
patch. Isolated patches lose species over time, and without connection
to other habitats, the species cannot come back.
important wildlife movement corridors and providing viable connectivity
between remaining habitat patches can help reduce many of the
ecological impacts of habitat fragmentation. Urban areas often protect
streams through zoning and regulation and streams tend to connect
habitat patches, therefore stream corridors sometimes offer the best
options for wildlife movement. In addition, the amount and placement of a
few key landscape features, such as trees and shrubs, significantly
influence the types of wildlife that can survive in urban areas. Studies
show that landscaping and street trees increase wildlife connectivity
in measurable ways.
size is another critical factor, because larger habitats support more
species per acre than smaller patches. Species requiring a large habitat
patch (area-sensitive) may become locally extinct in fragmented
habitats. In larger patches, area- and disturbance-sensitive species can
find refuge in the middle of such patches away from disturbance, and
the habitat quality may be better away from the patch's edge. Some
studies suggest certain thresholds, depending on species or geographic
area, at which area-sensitive species begin to appear. For example, a
lower threshold, but one that may be particularly important in urban
areas with smaller habitat patches, may be around 30 acres in naturally
forested areas.
habitat patches benefit many of the region's sensitive species, but
small habitat patches increase the mobility of wildlife in a landscape.
Urban areas with trees and shrubs scattered throughout, combined with
larger natural areas connected by corridors, are likely to hold more
species and more animals than large patches and corridors embedded
within an entirely urban matrix. Backyards, street trees, right-of-ways,
and green roofs can all provide valuable opportunities to increase
permeability. For these more urban solutions, an emphasis on native
plants will help maintain native animal diversity. Numerous studies link
native wildlife, bees, and butterflies to native plants.
The edge of a natural habitat patch is an ecotone,
or a place where two types of habitat (for example, forest and urban)
meet. Larger patches have less edge habitat than smaller patches, and
patch shape also influences the amount of edge habitat. A long, narrow
habitat patch has relatively more edge than a round patch of the same
size. Edge effects are the changes that occur at the edge of a habitat
area, and fragmented urban habitats have a lot of edge. Because ecotones
host species from each habitat type, the number of species is often
higher than inside a habitat area, and some species such as turtles and
amphibians require more than one habitat type. Elk require forest for
cover plus fields and shrubby areas for feeding. Fifty years ago, when
world population was quite a bit lower and more natural habitat
remained, biologists counted edge effects as a plus.
too much of a good thing can be bad, particularly in urban ecosystems
where roads, buildings, cars, foot traffic, cats, and dogs can be quite
hostile for native wildlife. If a deer steps out of a forest onto a busy
roadway, wildlife-vehicle collisions, economic damage and injuries, and
human and wildlife mortality may occur. Other well-studied negative
edge effects include jays, crows, and small predators stealing bird eggs
and nestlings along edges, where such high-protein food is poorly
hidden; loss of disturbance-sensitive species near roads and heavy-use
trails; and increased problems with invasive species because seeds are
carried along edges by birds, car tires, wind, and other means.
species are typically nonnative plants or animals that negatively
affect habitat and biodiversity, often with serious economic
consequences. The estimated costs of damage by and control of invasive
species in the United States is estimated at more than $120 billion per
year. Many nonnative species are not invasive, and many landscaped areas
include such species. Invasive species typically share certain traits,
including the following:
- Fast growth and rapid reproduction
- High dispersal ability, for example, wind-carried seeds or rhizomes carried downstream
- Generalist species that are able to tolerate or adapt to a wide range of conditions
- Early successional species—those that colonize an area after disturbance such as fire, such as grasses and thistle
- Association with humans
- Lack of natural controls such as predators, competitors, and disease
Infamous examples of invasive species examples in the United States include Japanese kudzu and
English ivy, which can take down an entire forest. On the other hand,
rhododendrons native to the northwestern United States are an invasive
problem in Europe. There are literally thousands of other examples
throughout the world.
Fish and Wildlife
general, species best adapted to urban environments are those not
limited to a single habitat type, those with populations easily
maintained by outside recruitment, and those that can exploit the more
urban habitats. For example, in the western United States habitat
generalists or edge-loving species such as scrub jays, American robins,
and European starlings are abundant, and chimney-nesting species are
increasing. European starlings are particularly harmful to native
cavity-nesting birds along streams because they nest early and often,
and they aggressively remove other species to occupy nest cavities.
However, they can be controlled by increasing tree cover and the width
of riparian forests.
are at the top of the food web in essentially all ecosystems. Urban
areas see an increase in small and medium-sized predators such as cats,
raccoons, and coyotes, and a loss of top predators such as cougar, bear,
and wolves to control the smaller predators. Smaller predators prey on
smaller animals to the detriment of many birds, small mammals, and
reptiles. Birds that nest on or near the ground tend to decline rapidly
in newly urbanized areas. Backyard bird feeders and other supplemental
feeding may increase birds but also favor smaller predators.
migratory bird species typically decline in urban areas across the
Northern Hemisphere. The reasons are unclear; studies in the Netherlands
linked disturbance from road noise to bird declines, and studies
elsewhere show that some bird and frog species change the pitch of their
song to be heard over road noise. There are probably other
urban-related reasons as well. A disproportionately high number of
neotropical migratory birds (those that nest in the United States and
Canada, but travel south of the United States-Mexico border to winter)
are habitat specialists, area-sensitive, or both. Many rely on shrubs
and complex vegetation structure, although grassland species, which tend
to require large habitat areas, are also rapidly declining.
migratory birds are sensitive to human disturbance. In fact, some
so-called area-sensitive species probably need to avoid disturbance more
than they need large habitat patches. There is little doubt, however,
that human disturbance from roads, trails, industry, housing, and other
development harms wildlife through noise, sound, light, and human and
pet impacts. The species most sensitive to these impacts die, fail to
reproduce, or leave.
Land-Use Planning: Portland, Oregon
ecological problems brought about by urbanization are cumulative, but
occur at a variety of spatial scales. So do the solutions. This section
describes some effective tools used in the Portland, Oregon, metropolitan area to reduce the impacts of urbanization on wildlife, habitat, and water quality.
land-use planning with nature in mind can reduce negative impacts.
Comprehensive planning helps a community identify goals and aspirations,
always including development, housing, jobs, services, and
transportation but often pertaining to nature as well.
1977 the Portland, Oregon, metropolitan area implemented the first
Urban Growth Boundary (UGB) in the United States, designed to protect
high-value farm and forest land from urban encroachment. A UGB motivates
efficient use and redevelopment of urban lands and thoughtfully planned
infrastructure such as roads and sewers. The Portland metropolitan
area's current population is about 2.3 million people. An elected
regional government, Metro, serves to bring these governments and
citizens together to plan major transportation projects, UGB expansions,
and other projects to meet the needs of the population. Every six
years, the UGB is reviewed and adjusted based on the needs of growth
forecasts; the Portland UGB has been expanded about three dozen times,
and a system for designating urban and rural reserves was established in
The region faces federal Clean Water Act and Endangered Species Act
issues due to water quality and salmon declines. In 2005, Metro Council
passed an ordinance requiring increased habitat protection along the
region's streams. The regulation is implemented by the local
jurisdictions. Regulation was limited to the most important
water-related habitat, but the ordinance also called for a review of
cities' development codes to identify and remove barriers to
nature-friendly development practices and proposed voluntary measures
including natural area acquisition, restoration, and environmental
education. Local jurisdictions have stepped up to the challenge and,
despite a growing population, the region is looking more and more green.
also has a substantial green spaces program through two citizen-funded
bond measures. Metro has acquired and is restoring more than 12,000
acres of natural areas to date, with a focus on large, healthy, natural
areas and connections between habitats. Some of the bond measure funds
go to the cities and counties to meet more local habitat and park needs,
and some funding goes to acquiring regional trail easements to promote
nonvehicular travel.
adjacent Portland and Vancouver, Washington, metropolitan areas provide
homes for more than three hundred native wildlife species. These
animals must be able to navigate the intricate network of roads, parking
lots, backyards, and barriers to survive and thrive. The region is
expecting significant population growth in coming decades—about 470,000
to 725,000 more people between 2015 and 2035. Further, anticipated
changes in temperature and weather patterns will impact habitat and
wildlife in ways that are not yet known.
Portland–Vancouver metropolitan region teamed up to create The
Intertwine, a collaborative organization designed to help improve and
connect the region's system of parks, trails, and natural areas. The
Intertwine created a voluntary biodiversity plan that outlines existing
conditions, habitat types, and major ideas, concepts, and challenges to
conserving the region's nature. It provides a way for people to look at
larger-scale issues such as habitat connectivity, but it is specific
enough to identify specific habitat areas where preservation and
restoration would most benefit wildlife and water quality. It represents
shared knowledge so that the entire region can work toward some of the
same goals.
are many other environmental efforts in the Portland–Vancouver
metropolitan region, including highly successful recycling programs,
incentives for green roofs on businesses, financial and technical
assistance for landowners to deal with stormwater on site, and a major
backyard habitat certification program led by the local Audubon Society
and a land trust. There is always more to be learned and more to do, but
the region has made a good start toward a more sustainable urban
2014 Urban Growth Report: Investing in Our Communities, 2015–2035. Portland: Metro, 2015. Digital file.
Gartland, Lisa. Heat Islands: Understanding and Mitigating Heat in Urban Areas. New York: Routledge, 2010. Print.
Knox, Paul L, and Linda McCarthy. Urbanization: An Introduction to Urban Geography. 3rd ed. Boston: Pearson, 2011. Print.
Sanderson, David, Jerold S. Kayden, and Julia Leis, eds. Urban Disaster Resilience: New Dimensions from the International Practice in the Built Environment. New York: Routledge, 2016. Print.
Urban Design Associates. The Urban Design Handbook: Techniques and Working Methods. 2nd ed. New York: Norton, 2013. Print.
Derived from: "Urban and suburban systems." Biomes and Ecosystems (Online Edition). Salem Press. 2014.
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